Mabo Training Camp

The best way to start the dance season in Europe. This year even more enjoyable and unique.

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Our 2024's special guests

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Discover the video documentary of last year's edition.


Everyday's Lectures

Four (4) Lectures (group lessons) will be held on each day by the special guests teachers.

13 September: COMPETITION (see

14 September: COMPETITION (see

15 September: 4 lectures

16 September: 4 Lectures

17 September: 4 Lectures

Round Practice - every night

The last activity of  each day of camp will be the night practice with the presence of the special guests.

13 September: COMPETITION (see

14 September: COMPETITION (see

15 September: Evening Round Practice

16 September: Evening Round Practice

17 September: Evening Round Practice 



Cogli subito questa opportunitĆ  la sala non consente di tenere aperte le iscrizioni per sempre raggiunto il numero massimo chiuderemo le iscrizioni.

Nicola Nordin


50% Complete

Attention: limited Spots available! Rooms and lessons Availability will finish very soon!

You are almost done! Continue in order to DISCOVER the prices for the upcoming Mabo Training Camp and to GET THE BEST OFFER AVAILABLE. Reserve your spot now before it's gone!